{% extends '_layout.swig' %} {% import '_macro/sidebar.swig' as sidebar_template %} {% block title %}{# #}{% set page_title_suffix = ' | ' + config.title %}{# #}{% if page.type === "categories" and not page.title %}{# #}{{ __('title.category') + page_title_suffix }}{# #}{% elif page.type === "tags" and not page.title %}{# #}{{ __('title.tag') + page_title_suffix }}{# #}{% else %}{# #}{{ page.title + page_title_suffix }}{# #}{% endif %}{# #}{% endblock %} {% block page_class %}page-post-detail{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{##################} {### PAGE BLOCK ###} {##################}
{% include '_partials/page-header.swig' %} {#################} {### PAGE BODY ###} {#################}
{# tagcloud page support #} {% if page.type === "tags" %}
{{ _p('counter.tag_cloud', site.tags.length) }}
{{ tagcloud({min_font: 13, max_font: 31, amount: 1000, color: true, start_color: '#9733EE', end_color: '#FF512F'}) }}
{% elif page.type === 'categories' %}
{{ _p('counter.categories', site.categories.length) }}
{{ list_categories() }}
{% else %} {{ page.content }} {% endif %}
{#####################} {### END PAGE BODY ###} {#####################}
{######################} {### END PAGE BLOCK ###} {######################}
{% endblock %} {% block sidebar %} {{ sidebar_template.render(false) }} {% endblock %} {% block script_extra %} {% include '_scripts/pages/post-details.swig' %} {% endblock %}